Thursday 5 February 2015

American Apparel

In the American Apparel advert, the women are extremely objectified by the producers.For example in one of their adverts for bodysuits and socks, they have got the model in very suggestive poses. Furthermore they the camera shots that they use for these are extreme close ups, which they would have done to only show certain body parts for the purposes of objectification and pleasing the male audience.
Also these adverts include women who are young, slim and conform to the idea of beauty. This is a negative representation as they are choosing to represent women in a way that they really aren't and it also put pressures on to other women that this is how they should look. The American Apparel advertisers would have done this so that they can get their ideology across to people about what they think women should be seen, and how they want them to
look if they are to be buying their products.
Additionally the advertisers use certain conventions codes such as the girl being suggestive whilst on a bed, which gives sexual connotations. Once again the producers would have done this to satisfy the male gaze and as you can see in the picture, we don't see the models face we just see sexualised body parts such as legs, bum and the torso.
Also the way that the model has been made to position her arms has sexual connotations that would have been done for the male audience, she's grabbing her legs and putting her arms between her legs in a suggestive manner.
I think that this advert would have been targeted  towards young women who are looking to get the attention of males

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